
Free Edge Ltd. encrypts your personal and payment information using secure 256bit SSL certification. No credit card information is stored or made available to us - it is handled offsite by Stripe.



Book Descriptions

We do our best to describe the condition of items for sale in some detail as well as provide multiple photos of each item so that there are no surprises when your purchase arrives. If you are in doubt, please ask before making a purchase.



All prices include insured shipping worldwide. Some of works of art need extra charge of shipment because of the special packing. Please ask for a quote. Note that any import charges/customs duty or other taxes are the responsibility of the customer. Although it is very rare for a package to be lost in the mail, for items sent outside Japan, the full amount paid will be indicated on the Customs declaration and/or any other document required by the post office. Generally, items will be sent within 3 days of confirmed payment.



All items may be returned for any reason within 7 days of receiving the item/s but please contact us before returning any item/s. Please note that return insured shipping will be the responsibility of the customer.


Currency Display

All purchases and transactions are made in Japanese Yen (JPY). For your convenience, approximate currency equivalents in US dollars (USD), Euros (EUR), British pounds (GBP) and Australian dollars (AUD) can also be displayed on this site's pages, using the pulldown selection box at the top right of the website.


Payment methods

For customers outside Japan, payment may be made by credit card through Stripe. Bank transfers are also possible - please contact us for details.